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389 packages found
Automatically bind to route properties and meta data and set data values on your Vue instance accordingly
A simple koa-like middleware wrapper for vue-router
Two way bindings for vue-router
A util package to use Vue 2 with Composition API easily
在 uni-app 生成的小程序中 vue-router的兼容写法
Vue component plugin which only render when router exactly matched.
A storybook decorator that allows you to use routing-aware components in your stories.
Intercept router back in vue
Router for weex, usage like vue-router.
在 uni-app 生成的小程序中 vue-router的兼容写法补丁版
Provides the ability to specify multiple guards for vue routes
Mixin 该 Vue 组件,给页面增加一个响应 $route.query 变化的 onQueryUpdated 回调
A simple Vue + Webpack yeoman generator
A vue router helper that lets you define multiple guards per vue router config field
vuex-helpers is a utility library for Vue 3 and Vuex 4, simplifying the use of Vuex's mapper functions. This library provides a set of hooks for Vuex, making it more concise to use Vuex in Vue components.
Back Mixin for Vue Router