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A utility to convert Prisma schemas to Zod schemas.
- prisma
- zod
- schema
- convert
- utility
- typescript
- ts
- type
- types
- type-safe
- type-safe schema
- type-safe schemas
- type-safe prisma
- type-safe prisma schema
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Test if a value is a 1-dimensional ndarray-like object.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- is
- isndarray
- ndarray
- ndarray-like
- vector
- isvector
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A plugin to have an easy way to create dynamic font-sizes.
Property-based testing library. Inspired by principled type classes.
TypeScript schema declaration and validation library with static type inference
Test if a value is undefined or null.
- stdlib
- stdassert
- assertion
- assert
- utilities
- utility
- utils
- util
- undefined
- void
- null
- is
- isundefined
- isnull
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service logs, base on AOP, Ioc container, via @tsdi
mvc cli.
prevent using non-exhaustive pattern matching in typescript
Handles primitive/scalar types as plain, array, map or map of
general data types for values
Convert Thrift definitions to Flowtype declarations
Tiny, type-safe JSON-RPC 2.0 implementation
List of typed array real-valued data types.
Advanced key mirror function that can mirror nested object keys.
Complex typed array constructors.
- stdlib
- stdtypes
- types
- array
- typed array
- typed-array
- typed
- dtypes
- dtype
- data
- type
- complex
- cmplx
- structure
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http Dependency Injection
tsioc is AOP, Ioc container, via typescript decorator
A small library that takes JSON structure descriptions and creates a function that validates if a javascript value is in exactly this structure.
App utility functions by Harald Rudell