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693 packages found
A TypeScript custom transformer for inlining files
TypeScript transformer that generates run-time type-checks.
A jsx/react fork for static XML generation
Consolidates redundant code to reduce file size footprint based on the selected transform.
- shrink
- footprint
- consolidate
- babel
- babelify
- es6
- require
- module
- browserify
- minify
- compressor
- harmony
- usestrict
- compression
- View more
Command line utility to transform images using GraphicsMagick
Transform each key of a given object
transformer type: Hexadecimal string representation.
transformer type: number
An ejs transformer for browserify.
transformer type: UNIX DateTime.
transformer type: A zipcode in the U.S.A.
transformer type: integer
Bucefalo Utilities for JavaScript.
transformer type: string
transformer type: A city in the U.S.A.
transformer type: ISO Date type.
transformer type: JSON - JavaScript Object Notation
transformer type: base64 encoded data in ascii
transformer type: base32 encoding data into ascii.
DataHub and Transformer for OA