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ES2015 tagged template string for preparing SQL statements, works with `pg`, `mysql`, `sqlite` and `oracledb`
Intercept iterable string - backbone for template engines
NodeJS string dedenting module – make your template strings look nice!
LSS: Literal String Sanitizer – sanitizes string based on specific inputs and tries to guess the accurate type (in TypeScript/Typed JS).
An ES6 Tagged String Literal tag that can interpolate Node.JS streams, strings, arrays and Promises and produces a stream.,
configurable template string replacement
- string
- formatting
- template
- parser
- object
- format
- interpolate
- interpolation
- templating
- parsing
- configurable
- custom
- expand
- simple
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Recursively resolve templates in an object, string or array.
ES6 template string helper for deindentation
interpolate a string with variables
String template and interpolation utility
Parse front-matter from a string or file. Fast, reliable and easy to use. Parses YAML front matter by default, but also has support for YAML, JSON, TOML or Coffee Front-Matter, with options to set custom delimiters. Used by metalsmith, assemble, verb and
- assemble
- coffee
- coffee-script
- data
- docs
- documentation
- extract
- extracting
- front
- front-matter
- frontmatter
- generate
- generator
- gh-pages
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Template helper for parsing YAML from a string.
Terminal and Console string styling done right.
A typescript port of Matt Esch's string-template package.
An HTML parser recognizes content and string placeholders and allows JavaScript expressions as attribute values
Transform a generic string into parameters suitable for template literals functions tags
Extract/interpolate string
ES6 template string tag for multi-line blocks of text.
Encode and decode data to string using mustache-like template strings
Extensible conditional string micro templates