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245 packages found
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A collection of functions for operating upon Entries.
- extra
- entries
- entry
- key
- length
- subset
- value
- CombineFunction
- CompareFunction
- EndFunction
- Entries
- Lists
- MapFunction
- ProcessFunction
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Pareto (Type I) distribution quantile function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- probability
- cdf
- inverse
- extreme value
- tail
- risk
- economics
- finance
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Pure functional AsyncIterable traversal
- AsyncIterable
- functional
- lambda
- TypeScript
- toArray
- toSet
- first
- tail
- push
- unshift
- initial
- last
- only
- empty
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stream file slices by line number indexes
Library and utility for tailing AWS CloudWatch Logs.
Counts occurrences of values.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Natural logarithm of the cumulative distribution function (CDF)for a Pareto (Type I) distribution.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- probability
- cdf
- cumulative distribution
- distribution function
- finance
- economics
- risk
- tail
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Terminal output to the browser in seconds, using UNIX pipes
node logger
Counts occurrences of values.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Pareto (Type I) distribution constructor.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- object
- class
- constructor
- ctor
- probability
- prob
- pareto
- finance
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Binary searches rightmost value in sorted array.
A group of functions for working with Maps {web}.
- extra
- map
- entry
- fromEntries
- fromEntries$
- hasKey
- key
- length
- subset
- CombineFunction
- CompareFunction
- EndFunction
- Entries
- Lists
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Returns evenly spaced values within given interval.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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A sorted array is a collection of values, arranged in an order.
Stream your residue server logs using hooks
a node.js library to implement tail -F
Builds array from a seed value (dual to foldr).
Create an iterator which returns a subsequence of iterated values from a provided iterator.
Returns evenly spaced values within given interval.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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