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Catch-Logs provides broswer-interface to analyse real-time logs.
File/Directory monitor for Node.js based on
R.tail exported as a module
Package for retrieving long tail keyword suggestions. Uses a REST API for retrieving them which is highly scalable and support thousands of requests.
Periodically reads a file
stream file slices by line number indexes
node.js equivalent of Unix 'tail -F <file>'
Small revision on top of Marco Rondini's Native (C++) Re-Implemetation of 'tail -f' command
Create beautiful, functional and extensive (Multi) select fields, written in Vanilla without any dependencies!
Monitor file for changes and callback with new data
Istant node.js coin toss. Just flip a coin.
a node.js library to implement tail -F
Tail HackerNews comments
A node to tail files for Node-RED
Jodot duty that tails a given file continuously and sends out a mail if a given string is detected (requires Mailgun account)
like command: tail -n number
🦆 ducking beautiful log tails
Safe Log Reader
Tailable stream from levelup compliant store
Stream data from papertrail as a readable stream