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Spawn locally installed npm dependencies with cross platform env and argument parsing support
Formats spawn with prefix and colors
Tokenize a shell string into argv array
programmatically install npm dependencies
Easily work with child processes.
Light cross-platform launcher for Google Chrome
Run any binary files / executables within your npm scripts.
A chainable, promise-based utility for running commands with child_process.spawn
Spawn detached process without opening command line on windows
spawn() that returns a duplex stream and emits errors with stderr data on non-zero exit codes
Spawn a process and restart it if it crashes
Provides a helper function to run an external command uniformly across platforms with numerous options to control how stdio is handled.
Formats spawn with for terminal grouping
Runs Mocha as a child process.
a async version for cross-spawn and make it return like as sync return
💦Split a command into an array or an object
Call a child process with the ease of exec and safety of spawn
Run code inside a hidden Electron window
Selectively executes commands when watched files are changed.
emulate the `npm run-script` using stdio