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133 packages found
Concatenates text source files and generates a source map for the text output.
Official webpack plugin for Sentry
Unpack your JS source maps to original files and folders in a proper way.
- source map
- source-map
- unpack source maps
- recreate source maps
- source map to original structure
- unpack source in a folder
Official webpack plugin for Sentry
Analyze the JavaScript loaded by a website
Plugin to help fix Vue sourcemap output
Official webpack plugin for Sentry
Webpack plugin to upload source maps to Sentry
Webpack plugin to upload source maps to QAPM
Webpack plugin to upload source maps to Sentry
Webpack plugin to upload source maps to Sentry
Compile Sass to CSS with Ruby Sass
A tool for converting source map files to the original files, making it easier to debug and troubleshoot your code.
- source-map
- source-files
- mapping
- extraction
- deobfuscation
- debugging
- reverse-engineering
- minification
- transpilation
- recovery
node library to use client side source map to resolve stacktraces
Zero configuration, opinionated webpack / react build setup
Convert a Source Map object to a comment
Extracts source from javascript frameworks with sourcemap information (containing the source)
Rollup plugin for grabbing source maps from sourceMappingURLs
Unpack 🛍 your JS source maps 🗺 to original files and folders fast with clustering!.
babel plugin styils