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127 packages found
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A Serverless framework plugin to enable AWS assume role
- serverless
- serverless-plugin
- serverless-offline
- nodejs
- local development
- offline
- aws
- authorizer
- custom authorizer
- lambda authorizer
- aws lambda
Simplifying stage and environment wise variables and values
Develop Alexa-Skill and HTTP functions in Serverless without deploying to AWS
Serverless plugin to manage and deploy AWS Athena table
[Serverless]( plugin for adding authorizers when developing and testing functions locally with [serverless-offline](
- serverless
- serverless-plugin
- serverless-offline
- nodejs
- local development
- offline
- aws
- authorizer
- custom authorizer
- lambda authorizer
- aws lambda
Preload environment variables with dotenv into serverless. Ignores local environment variables unless explicitly requested.
Serverless Framework Plugin to download and run ElasticMQ
Eliminates lambda cold starts
Serverless Framework Plugin to Work with AWS DynamoDB Offline
A serverless plugin that injects actual Lambda Version ARN to LambdaAssociations in CloudFront CFN resource
Develop Alexa-Skill and HTTP functions in Serverless without deploying to AWS
Serverless Framework plugin for WSO2 API Manager
A Serverless Framework plugin for Rust using Cargo Lambda.
serverless plugin load env files and inject to lambda functions
A Serverless plugin that bundles your application with Webpack and uploads it to an S3 bucket. This was built to be used with React SSR lambda functions, but may have additional uses.
Develop Serverless endpoints with static files locally
An ACM certificate manager which allows for certificate re-use and re-issuing outside the scope of CloudFormation, while still acting in coalition with it. This plugin will automatically create your ACM certificates before your first deployment and wait f
Simple serverless plugin for tracking deployed versions of code
Serverless plugin to pregen a PlantUML diagram from the serverless resources