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Flex JWE Token Validator
This library enables you to utilize AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway to respond to web and API requests using your existing Node.js application framework.
libSQL driver for TypeScript and JavaScript
Chromium Binary for Serverless Platforms
Super simple serverless plugin for validating stage names before deployment
The tracer package for the Powertools for AWS Lambda (TypeScript) library
The module is AWS Step Functions plugin for Serverless Framework
A Serverless plugin for exporting AWS stack outputs to a file.
Serverless plugin to tag CloudWatchLogs
Cleanup lambda VPS EC2 Network Interfaces on stack removal, to speed up the operation
Serverless plugin to bind the randomly generated deployment id to custom resources
Serverless framework plugin to access the system and secrets managers at isolated account
- serverless
- python
- node
- nodejs
- serverless framework plugin
- serverless applications
- serverless plugins
- security
- aws
- aws secrets manager
- aws system manager
- amazon
- amazon web services
Set default attributes a given CloudFormation resource should have based on type
Serverless Docker Artifacts plugin
- serverless
- docker
- serverless framework plugin
- serverless plugins
- api gateway
- lambda
- aws
- aws lambda
- amazon
- amazon web services
Serverless plugin to configure Api Gateway access logs
<div align="center"> <h1 align="center">@upstash/core-analytics</h1> <h5>Serverless Analytics for Redis</h5> </div>
Datamart Solution: Tag all aws resources
serverless plugin that would create global dynamodb tables for specified tables
Serverless typescript definitions
Run AWS step functions offline with Serverless
- ⚡️
- serverless
- serverless offline
- serverless plugin
- plugin
- sls
- offline
- local
- step functions
- state machines
- step
- function
- state
- machine