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Returns an array containing the initial elements which both input arrays have in common
A module for sequencing tasks and dependencies
A sequence diagram tool using le5le-topology.
Run a series of dependent gulp tasks in order
Parse and generate RS-delimited JSON sequences according to draft-ietf-json-text-sequence
control concurrency of gulp tasks.
Chainable asynchronous flow control with sequential and parallel primitives and pipeline-style error handling
Multiplies a nonoverlapping increasing sequence of floats by a single float
Run commands in order
Run promise-returning & async functions in series
- promise
- series
- serial
- sequence
- sequential
- ordered
- task
- tasks
- array
- collection
- iterable
- iterator
- async
- await
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Immutable finite list objects with constant-time equality testing (===) and no memory leaks
- immutable
- tuple
- sequence
- persistent
- data
- data structure
- functional
- intern
- interned
- internalized
- memoization
- equality
- deep equality
- weakmap
Simple like Promise.all(), but sequentially!
A JavaScript ANSI color/style management. ANSI parsing. ANSI to CSS. Small, clean, no dependencies.
- ansi to css
- code
- codes
- color
- colors
- text
- command-line
- command line
- sequence
- control
- formatting
- cli
- shell
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Sequential scenarios for Mocha
Very generic autoincrement plugin for mongoose
The sequence library based on le5le meta2d.
timing-diagram是一个VUE时序图组件,用HTML+CSS+js元素来实现视图, 因此可根据UI要求自定义样式,组件捕捉了点击事件,详情可查看使用示例。
Lazy sequences
An ordering for sets of integers
An RxJS library wrapper that lets you execute Rx operators directly using marble-diagram ASCII string arguments.