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Seneca data store plugin for SimpleDB
Seneca message statistics.
Seneca related service tools.
A outrageously stolen redis-queuing wrapper for Senecajs
A state machine implementation plugin for Seneca
raw mail reader with streaming support
Seneca data store plugin for MongoDB
Versioned caching plugin for seneca
twitter auth plugin for seneca-auth
auth0 auth plugin for seneca-auth
Metric collection for nodezoo
Generate a context object based on an HTTP request and easily access it any seneca services involved in processing that request.
Seneca micro-services plugin for hapi
Custom function to discover base node in Seneca Mesh using DNS
A decoration that adds pub sub via Varo to Seneca
A views engine for senecajs that renders views as a microservice. Allows views to be referenced by plugin and name rather than file location making it compatible with multi-process, multi-machine microservices.
elasticsearch plugin for seneca
Senca action flow control, templating and data transformation
A tool to create plugins or middlewares for different Javascript tools, frameworks, servers.
AMQP transport plugin for seneca.js