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Select protocol using first bytes of incoming data and hose stuff to the handler
Use the :focus-visible pseudo-selector in CSS
Style form elements when they are empty
Provides some base functions needed by a css-select adapter so that you don't have to implement the whole thing.
A Select control built with and for ReactJS
Programmatically select the text of a HTML element
React Select
An extension of svg.js which allows to select elements with mouse
🏎 A set of primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete, combobox or select dropdown components.
- enhanced input
- react
- autocomplete
- autosuggest
- typeahead
- dropdown
- select
- combobox
- omnibox
- accessibility
- multiselect
- multiple selection
cascade select ui component for react
The Material Components web select (text field drop-down) component
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
React Native Picker for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows
hast utility for `querySelector`, `querySelectorAll`, and `matches`
Angular ng-select - All in One UI Select, Multiselect and Autocomplete
Elegant console output, borrowed from Yarn
- ansi
- cli
- color
- colors
- colour
- formatting
- log
- shell
- terminal
- activity
- command-line
- command
- console.log
- console
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A lightweight, dependency-free, mobile-friendly javascript select box replacement.
unist utility to select nodes with CSS-like selectors
Core logic for the select widget implemented as a state machine