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a javascript library for fullscreen powerd by zex
Phaser 游戏引擎的横竖屏适配插件
Capture a screenshot of your local machine
To get started, you will first need to edit `public/index.html` to set your API key.
track and monitor user activities
The only pure React Native Native iOS and Android loading spinner (progress bar indicator) overlay
(fork) A video.js plugin for recording audio/video/image files.
- waveform
- audio
- video
- wavesurfer
- videojs
- videojs-plugin
- player
- record
- stream
- microphone
- screen
- screenshare
- recorder
- RecordRTC
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A cordova external screen plugin. Use to creates a new UIWebView on an additional screen.
Quick way to capture a screenshot to the current directory (macOS only)
Automatically detect your device and provide some useful information: vendor, screen properties, browser vendor and version,...
Node.js Desktop Automation.
- Automation
- mouse
- keyboard
- screenshot
- image
- pixel
- desktop
- robotjs
- screen
- recognition
- autohotkey
- machine
- learning
a javascript library for fullpage powerd by zex
A video.js plugin for recording audio/video/image files. A fork from
- waveform
- audio
- video
- wavesurfer
- videojs
- videojs-plugin
- player
- record
- stream
- microphone
- screen
- screenshare
- recorder
- RecordRTC
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custom hook to observe screen specific width
Fork of react-fullscreanable
React hooks for capture video and screen. Powered by navigator.mediaDevices API.
Chroma Key Shader