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22 packages found
a sakurairo blog theme base on vitepress
Pure CSS animation for sakura, rain, snow, firefly and butterfly effects, high performance without affecting SEO. 纯 CSS 动画实现樱花、雨、雪、萤火虫和蝴蝶飞舞背景效果,高性能且不影响 SEO
Sakura theme of VuePress
Use multiple videos, images, and weather as background, with mute, hide, text, and cherry blossom, rain, snow, firefly, and butterfly animations. 用多个视频、图片、天气作背景,支持静音、隐藏内容、文字,以及樱花、雨、雪、萤火虫和蝴蝶动画
- video-background
- video-wallpaper
- image-background
- image-wallpaper
- weather-background
- weather-wallpaper
- sakura
- rain
- snow
- firefly
- butterfly
<h1 align="center">Valaxy Theme Sakura</h1> <pre align="center"> 🧪 正在测试、完善主题示例和主题文档 </pre>
A unit of a data structure to build elegant trees or cherry blossoms
<p align="center"> <img alt="type" src="" /> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="npm" src="https:/
vuepress blog theme which name is sakura
vuepress plugin sakura for vuepress v2.x
Boot your app development for iOS, Android & Web
a command line tool for develop web apps
Haxe Externals Definitions for Heidi API