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Crash or abort if you get an unhandledRejection or multipleResolves
get value at property, don't throw if parent is undefined
Parse a typed JSON object
Ensure that when you `npm publish`, the "latest" tag is only set for the truly latest version.
Serialize objects to JSON with handling for circular references
Secure, zero-dependency utilities for generating passwords, passphrases, pins, and more
Return the maximum safe integer in JavaScript.
set value at property, create intermediate properties if necessary
Create a unique temporary directory.
Let JSON play nicely with Typescript
url safe base64 en- and decoding
Constant time string/buffer equals
Parse your json safely and stop writing try {} catch {}
Wrap `require` in a try/catch block.
harmful as eval
Simple safe pipe for sanitizing your safe content
Read files without try catch
Read JSON files without try catch