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Convert rgb color to hex and hex to rgb
Convert RGB(A) color to HEX
Creates color gradients from a few colors and converts RBG colors to HEX and vice versa.
Map color names to HEX color values with es-module and typescript
A simple, easy to use vanilla JS color picker with alpha selection.
Use lab() and lch() color functions in CSS
Use the color() function in CSS
Parser and generator for CSS color strings
Color conversion functions
Use space and slash separated color notation in CSS
Convert rgb to hex.
Finds the closest color name to a given hex, rgb and hsl color (with and without alpha). It uses the Euclidean distance formula to calculate the distance between colors in the RGB color space
converts all sorts of colors to rgb format.
Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript
A tiny library to convert rgb to hex
Terminal and Console string styling done right.
simple HSL to RGB converter
Advanced ANSI formatting tool for Node.js
Extract colors from images. Supports GIF, JPG, PNG, and even SVG!
rgb to hex