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lightweight rgb/rgba to hex parser
Convert RGB(A) color to HEX
Map color names to HEX color values.
Plain color conversion functions
Convert rgb value to hex
Color your terminal using CSS/hex color codes
Convert HEX color to RGBA
Converts an rgb color to hex color
css color parsing, manupulation and conversion
A collection of functions for manipulating CSS colors, inspired by SASS.
Convert colors between RGB, HEX, HSL, HWB, LAB, LCH, and more
Use the rebeccapurple color keyword in CSS
parse a css color string (plus hsv and cmyk) into an object
Great looking color maps
- colormap
- color map
- color
- hex
- rgb
- color-space
- cubehelix
- inferno
- magma
- plasma
- viridis
- matplotlib
- oceanography
- seismic
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Pure functions for color conversion and parsing
Terminal string styling with tagged template literals
Terminal string styling done right
[js] Convert rgb to hex.
Validate HTML colors by 'name', 'special name', 'hex', 'rgb', 'rgba', 'hsl', 'hsla', 'hwb', 'lab' or 'lch' values
- validation
- color
- colors
- colour
- colours
- validate color
- validate colour
- color validation
- colour validation
- HTML color validation
- HTML colour validation
- validate HTML color
- validate HTML colour
- hex
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👑 A tiny yet powerful tool for high-performance color manipulations and conversions