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1503 packages found
An ESLint plugin that enforces the use of import aliases. Also supports autofixing.
- alias
- aliases
- autofix
- babel
- babel-plugin-module-resolver
- enforce
- eslint
- fix
- import
- lint
- module
- module-resolver
- nuxt
- nuxtjs
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Find and replace strings or template outputs in text files (CLI tool designed for use in npm package.json scripts)
Simple parser to replace variables inside templates/strings and files for node js and browser.
Detect and (recursively) remove head and tail wrappings around the input string
Replace chunks of whitespace with a single spaces
In-place object replacement
Update all row numbers in all console.logs in JS code
Split string into array by chunks of whitespace
Replace all n/m dashes, curly quotes with their simpler equivalents
Simplifying text by replacing hyphens with ease
- alter
- code
- convert
- edit
- format
- function
- hyphen
- javascript
- library
- modify
- modifystring
- replace
- replacehyphen
- sanitize
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Utility to update defaultMessages in source code with values from translation json file
replace placeholders of an object with a view like you would use mustache.render for strings
Trim whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string.
replace tokens in files
Console tools and scripts for nx and not only that I (EndyKaufman) use to automate the workflow and speed up the development process
- cli
- nx
- workspace
- rucken
- admin
- extract-i18n
- gettext
- translate
- make-ts-list
- index
- version-updater
- postgres
- env
- replace
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Replace matching strings and regexes in files
Performs fast search and replace on a text based on a set of rules.
Perform multiple str.replace() with one operation
Integrate regex operations into Ranges workflow