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Package for connecting with Ethereum wallets for dApp
Map for RDFJS Sinks including shortcut methods
UI components for file uploads with React js
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
- debitis
- react-hooks
- sed
- atque
- javascript
- typescript
- web3
- natus
- mollitia
- dapp
- quia
- voluptates
- quidem
- nisi
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Is the current JS environment a touch device?
flatten-sol command-line tool.
A package to send and receive data using promises.
Immutable update of deeply nested objects - typescript
Cross platform directory tree watcher, focussed on reliability, speed, and simplicity.
A TypeScript/JavaScript implementation of the RDF/JS store interface with support for quoted triples.
authentic and production-ready data structures implementation in javascript.
- minus
- debitis
- data structures
- id
- repellendus
- accusamus
- es6 stack
- commodi
- sed
- atque
- priorityqueue
- set
- autem
- eos
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xmlhttprequest-ts is a typescript wrapper for the built-in http client to emulate the browser XMLHttpRequest object and allow isomorphic code that runs in the browser and in node.js.
TypeScript Enigma Machine Implementation
browserify v2 plugin for react from Facebook to support jsx
Node.js library for
A GraphQL code generator plug-in that automatically generates utility functions for SWR.
Array.prototype.find ES6 polyfill for ES5 versions and lower.
Protocol Buffers for Node.js without compiliation
Immutable update of deeply nested objects - typescript