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Feature Based Navigation (using redux state)
- feature-u
- feature
- features
- react
- redux
- router
- routing
- navigation
- navigator
- utility
- util
- utils
- helper
- helpers
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Type-safe ActionCreator and Reducer library
Keep your csrf token inside your Redux store.
A Vite plugin which enables HMR for Redux when possible
This is a library that helps you to persist your redux store and rehydrate it when the app is reloaded in your mobile app using react-native or expo with redux.
- react
- redux
- persist
- react-redux
- react-component
- react-library
- react-redux-persist
- react-native-redux-persist
- react-native-redux-persist2
Reducers without constants and dispatch
a JavaScript library for state management of JavaScript apps, with built-in support for React Components.
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- typeerror
- bind
- shim
- superagent
- Push
- sameValueZero
- mime-db
- typed
- eslint-plugin
- chromium
- byteLength
- busy
- key
- starter
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Middleware for restoration scroll position after changing page
redux-fine is a simple redux library.
Redux bindings for marko
A promise callback to refresh access tokens when using RSAA
Set of logical Redux middleware.
Promise based middleware for Redux to deal with asynchronous actions.
react components with redux and saga ready to use for easy and fast fetch data from and parse server
Normalizes and denormalizes JSON according to schema for Redux and Flux applications
Boilerplate free class-based action creator. Following flux-standard-action spec. Built with TypeScript.
A simple form management for Redux.