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customizable react folder tree library
- react
- npm
- reactjs
- npm-package
- folder
- recursion
- npm-module
- folders
- tree-structure
- treeview
- folder-picker
- folder-viewer
- recursion-problem
- folder-structure
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[Deprecated] JST that converts strings & strings within objects to numbers
This package uses a wave collapse algorithm to solve Sudoku puzzles.
- algorithm
- solver
- recursion
- backtracking
- sudoku-solver
- sudoku
- recursive
- recursive-algorithm
- non-recursive
- wave-collapse
- fast
Funny, a jolly helper for functions.
- Function
- function
- bind
- slice
- toString
- mock
- prepend
- trigger
- fuse
- precede
- chain
- chaining
- recursion
- recursive
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Useful utility for recursively traversing Arrays and Objects.
A Node.js library to simplify the use of shells and navigation of file systems.
- tree
- customshells
- customshell
- custom
- shell
- shells
- recursively
- recursive
- recursion
- files
- file
- system
- navigate
- folders
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Tail call optimization in Node
- recursion
- tail recursion
- tail recursive
- tail call elimination
- tail call optimization
- proper tail recursion
- properly tail recursive
- tail call
- tail calls
- functional programming
- functional
- fp
- tco
An asynchronous while-loop implementation with full support for Promises
Extra functions for use with Immutable.js to better handle tree structures / nested data and recursive iteration
A library that allows you to define recursive functions in JavaScript without stack overflow.
Handle object recursion like a boss
npm package to hit the try until elmenet is present
Angular component to create and view recursive tree
- ng-tree
- angular tree
- angular tree component
- angular tree library
- angular tree lib
- zak ng tree
- ng tree
- ng2 tree
- Angular 2+
- Angular 12
- nested tree
- nested
- nested angular tree
- recursion
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Simple treeview component for React
A good way to learn functional programming in javascript, Inside the functions, there are no any keywords such as "function", "let", "var", "for","while", etc.
Nodejs npm module to traverse folder using code or cli or use glob patterns traverse-cli or traverse-fs or fssys
- traverse
- traverse files
- traverse folders
- search
- search files
- search folders
- traverse-cli, traverse-fs, fssys
- convert
- traverser
- manipulate
- types
- type
- is
- generate
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Class Tools provides a number of utility functions and decorators to ease the use of features commonly found in functional languages
- memoization
- memoisation
- fixed-point
- recursion
- y-combinator
- decorator
- lazy-evaluation
- partial-application
- currying
A type-safe way to emulate tail-call optimization with trampolines
Fractal Canvas enhances <canvas> by adding recursive rendering method