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react hook to clamp multiline text to a given height in a responsive way (in < 2.5kb)
Throttle hook for react
Connecting a wallet, made simple.
A timer hook for React
React.useRef with an immediate setter and read-only value.
React hooks for Formspark
React input component for formatted number input with locale-specific.
- react
- react-component
- react-hook
- react-number-format
- input
- input-number-format
- text-field
- number
- format
- number-format
- currency-format
- percent-format
- pattern
A tiny React hook for rendering large datasets like a breeze.
- react
- hook
- react-hook
- virtual-hook
- virtualized-hook
- use
- use-virtual
- use-virtualized
- virtual
- virtualized
- virtualization
- responsive-web-design
- rwd
- sticky-headers
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Using chain of responsibility design pattern for React component customization.
A React hook for detecting if you are online or offline.
- react
- react-hook
- react-hooks
- is-online
- is-offline
- react-is-online
- react-is-offline
- react-online
- react-offline
- online
- offline
- online-offline
- offline-online
- if-online
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Propagates an event to multiple subscribers using React hooks.
React hook for Portals, which renders modals, dropdowns, tooltips etc. to <body> or else.
- react
- hook
- react-hook
- portal-hook
- use
- use-portal
- portal
- modal
- dialog
- dropdown
- tooltip
- popover
- loading-bar
- status-bar
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A react hook for using a debouncing an input with state variables In react.
useEffect hook from ReactJS debounced!
React library for interacting with and rendering Contenful data.
Write once, create framework components that supports React, Vue, Svelte, and more.
A custom React hook for simple data fetching with React Suspense
- react
- reactjs
- async
- data
- fetch
- cache
- suspense
- hooks
- custom-hook
- react-hook
- react-hooks
- react-cache
- react-suspense
- data-fetching
⏳ useCountdown hook
React hook for highly-performant and manipulable animations using Web Animations API.
- react
- hook
- react-hook
- web-animations-hook
- use
- use-web-animations
- web-animations
- web-animations-api
- waapi
- animation
- transition
- motion
- playback-control
- performance
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React hook exposing a countdown timer with optional expiration and reset callbacks