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A mini copy of Vue made on my own.
Performant, flexible and extensible forms library for React Hooks
A set of React hooks and providers to use Liveblocks declaratively. Liveblocks is the all-in-one toolkit to build collaborative products like Figma, Notion, and more.
- react
- liveblocks
- real-time
- toolkit
- multiplayer
- websockets
- collaboration
- collaborative
- presence
- crdts
- synchronize
- rooms
- documents
- conflict resolution
An error reporter for Felte using a React component
Containers relating to focusjail in the Garden Design System
Convert HTML attribute names to React props
Color Editable Input HSLA
- react
- react-color
- react-component
- color-picker
- colorpicker
- color picker
- colorful
- react-color-editable-input-hsla
- editable-input-hsla
- editable-input
- editable
- hsla
- color
- convert
A modern, beautiful, customizable date picker for React
Forms for ReactJS.
Components relating to typography in the Garden Design System
GetFormItem for antd3.x
SVG flags of the world for react
One editing package to rule them all, one editing package to bind them.
A React component to easily replicate your page with nice placeholders while the content is loading
Create prosemirror node views from your react components
Draw arrows (or lines) between components in React!
vx legend
A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React
timeago-react is a simple(only 1kb) react component used to format date with `*** time ago` statement. eg: '3 hours ago'.
Semantic UI components for uniforms.