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Randomize color combinations.
A module that generates tough names
Pseudorandom number generator strided array functions.
Procedural 2D worldmap generator. It can generate maps defined at material structure that allow you to create different biomes.
Create a readable stream for a 32-bit Mersenne Twister pseudorandom number generator.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- statistics
- stats
- prng
- rng
- pseudorandom
- random
- rand
- discrete
- integer
- randint
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Detect Gibberish with JavaScript
A simple set of utility libraries to ease development.
generate random string from custom charset (or the default one) and define the length of the string. Fantastic for when you need to generate a 'throw-away' id
Simple Random Color palette Generator
smart and indecipherable token generator
Simplex noise points map (2D and 3D) generator
Flat Color Palette - random web colours generator for background and foreground.
Generate random programming-related quotes
A simple and lightweight npm package for generating random chars. Perfect for creating unique identifiers, and other random text. With customizable length and character set options, it's easy to generate strings that fit your specific requirements.
Lib is for generate random color, on different formats (RGB, HEX, HSL). And there are some helper function to convert from one format to another.
Random password generator.
Random Password Generator
Mad libs style random question generator. To be used for
A better random number generator