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A silly random name generator
URL and cookie safe UIDs
random data generator for when test data is insignificant
URL and cookie safe UIDs
Fake data generator (Browserify friendly)
Pseudorandom hexadecimal color generator.
Meteor's Random Package for Straight Node – with built in crypto module
Library to generate easy to remember, and sometimes entertaining, human readable ids
Generates random tokens with custom size and base-encoding using the RFC 4122 v4 UUID algorithm
Generate repeatable pseudo random numbers and non-cryptographic hash numbers for usage in Node.js and browser environments.
Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
- random
- number
- generator
- rng
- prng
- stats
- d3-random
- probability
- seedrandom
- distribution
- pseudorandom
- uniform
- normal
- gaussian
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Uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers between 0 and 1.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- mathematics
- math
- statistics
- stats
- prng
- rng
- pseudorandom
- random
- rand
- randu
- uniform
- generator
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Implementation of the Alea PRNG by Johannes Baagøe
Seedable Math.random compatible pseudorandom number generator
random bytes from browserify stand alone
Generate random or sequential UUID of any length
Random generator for strings, secrets and numbers – with built in crypto module and seed generation for predictable outputs
Generator of random dates
A mathematically correct random number generator library for JavaScript.
A random weighted item chooser with custom seed option for JavaScript and TypeScript.