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topbar progress indicator React component
Tiny & beautiful site-wide progress indicator
Progress indicator for networked images, supports progress bar and spinner
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-component
- react
- mobile
- ios
- ui
- image
- progress
- bar
- progressbar
- spinner
- activityindicator
- loading
React Native Indicator Component
module for outputing a pleasant progress indicator
A light-weight progress circle indicator for React Native.
Progress indicator implemented as a web component
The only pure React Native Native iOS and Android loading spinner (progress bar indicator) overlay
Simple terminal progress indicator made for any loop
Page scroll indicator for React
AngularJS directive ajax loading indicator.
Simple and customizable command line idle status indicator
Progress indicators for your command line
A handy page progress indicator
Simple react.js component for a inline progress indicator
A Cordova plugin for showing a progress indicator based on Paldom/SpinnerDialog
- cordova
- spinner
- dialog
- spinnerdialog
- progress
- indicator
- native
- progressindicator
- plugin
- notification
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-browser
- cordova-ios
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A visual indicator of task completion or status.
A loading indicator component for EmberJS that animates across the top of the viewport.
Progress indicator for the top of pages as user scrolls
vButton - AngularJS pressable button with a busy indicator