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447 packages found
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Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidth
unist utility to serialize a node, position, or point as a human readable location
unist utility to get the position of a node
turf helpers module
vfile utility to convert between positional (line and column-based) and offset (range-based) locations
a point geometry with transforms
turf points-within-polygon module
turf planepoint module
turf boolean-point-in-polygon module
turf nearest-point module
a JavaScript library for performing geospatial operations with GeoJSON
Resolve the path of a package regardless of it having an entry point
turf buffer module
determine if a point is inside a polygon with a ray intersection counting algorithm
turf point-on-feature module
turf tag module
turf polygon tangents module
A point in polygon based on the paper Optimal Reliable Point-in-Polygon Test and Differential Coding Boolean Operations on Polygons
Fast nd point clustering.
- snap-points-2d
- supercluster
- quadtree
- quad-tree
- kdtree
- kd-tree
- ann-tree
- point
- scatter
- point2d
- 2d
- cluster
- clustering
- geospatial
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1D interval tree data structure