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39 packages found
Plant node.js HTTP2 module's SSL server handler
Plant node.js HTTP2 module's server handler
Plant node.js HTTP module's server handler
Parses plant data from GroMet Sensor Pods
Plant node.js HTTP module's server handler
A representation of geographical feature of interest(i.e mapped physical element with their attributes in landscape e.g. administrative boundaries, roads, buildings etc) both natural and man made used in emergency(or disaster) management(or event).
- codetanzania
- emis
- emis-module
- disaster
- hazard
- incident
- emergency
- risk
- geojson
- feature
- point
- linestring
- polygon
- multipolygon
- View more
Visualize JSON data using Plant UML
A CLI to easily deploy your project to Gitlab and your VPS.
A CLI to easily deploy your project to Gitlab and your VPS.
Node package for generate uml models from plantuml server
[thing-it-node] Device Plugin for Plant Probes.
Smart plant watering system
plantandgo library for keypressed events
plant and go library
This library was generated with [Angular CLI]( version 12.2.0.