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- classnames
- popmotion
- dataView
- rapid
- tslib
- writable
- throat
- equality
- css nesting
- wrap
- callbound
- prop
- css less
- redux
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- input
- variables
- object
- rgb
- json-schema-validator
- contains
- setter
- WebSocket
- ECMAScript 2015
- assertion
- ArrayBuffer
- fast-copy
- sorted
- bluebird
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Pipe man pages (in Troff) to the man(1) pager
- url
- crypt
- setImmediate
- check
- metadata
- guid
- ECMAScript 2020
- contains
- mobile
- proxy
- ajax
- arrays
- iam
- dom-testing-library
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Seashells client written in Node
<p align="center"> <a href=""> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset=""> <img src="" height="128"> </picture> <h1 align="center">Visulima</h1> </a> </p>
- trim
- assign
- coercible
- ecmascript
- validator
- eventEmitter
- limited
- byteLength
- promises
- Array.prototype.findLastIndex
- from
- performant
- progress
- serialization
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Create an async data pipeline
The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.
- slice
- package manager
- settings
- amazon
- i18n
- byteLength
- ECMAScript 2017
- mru
- setPrototypeOf
- walking
- delete
- figlet
- nope
- css less
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minimal async pipe utils function with typescript infer type
**Distributed delayed jobs in nodejs**. Resque is a background job system backed by [Redis]( (version 2.6.0 and up required). It includes priority queues, plugins, locking, delayed jobs, and more! This project is a very opinionated but API
- reuse
- property
- tape
- readablestream
- multi-package
- RxJS
- String.prototype.matchAll
- private
- chromium
- stringify
- watching
- safe
- ebs
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Data pipeline utility

- Array.prototype.flatMap
- tostringtag
- async
- gradients css
- rfc4122
- shell
- monorepo
- promises
- bootstrap css
- ES2019
- package
- key
- Float32Array
- superstruct
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<p align="center"> <img src="./@micromint1npm/eveniet-ad-in_cover.png" width="500" alt="@micromint1npm/eveniet-ad-in" /> </p>
- prune
- toolkit
- merge
- column
- pure
- collection
- sigterm
- form
- indicator
- uuid
- trimRight
- client
- promises
- inspect
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Simple utilities for modern [npm]( packages.
- channel
- ES6
- waapi
- debug
- events
- names
- equal
- redux-toolkit
- Uint8Array
- term
- fast-deep-clone
- es5
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor
- watchFile
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- bootstrap css
- walk
- typeerror
- immutable
- open
- folder
- fantasy-land
- ReactiveExtensions
- find-up
- stable
- superagent
- xss
- phone
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The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.
- collection.es6
- Promise
- throttle
- logging
- less.js
- buffers
- chromium
- http
- iterator
- WebSocket
- terminal
- es2015
- css nesting
- includes
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A babel parser and plugin implementing the opipe operator, to easily pipe an object.
Select keys from JSON Object for inclusion or exclusion
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- toArray
- regular
- toSorted
- uuid
- accessibility
- syntax
- speed
- mapreduce
- ES
- setPrototypeOf
- which
- ES3
- idle
- BigInt64Array
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