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CSV Import Library for Angular Framework. Go through the file for detailed features and documentation.
- angular csv import
- csv import
- ngx csv import
- angular
- csv
- import csv file in angular
- parser
- parse
- parsing
- delimited
- text
- data
- auto-detect
- comma
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Execute multiple transformations on JavaScript sources with full sourcemaps support.
stream features into and out of geojson
Consume Node.js readable streams using promises.
Angular directives and pipes for IBAN
Modularize functionality into execution pipelines. Create pipes. Fit 'em together. Start the flow!
Angular pipe to find links in text input and turn them into html links
Pipe log data to a stream, fuggetabout rotation
Simple safe pipe for sanitizing your safe content
pass-through stream which can filter/adapt and pause data as it passes through (streams2)
Foundation for async iterators as streams
iPipeTo - The Node.js cli interactive workflow
Angular 5+ pipeline for filtering arrays
digest-stream - Simple pass-through stream (RW) which calculates the a crypto digest (sha/md5 hash) of a stream and also the length. Pipe your stream through this to get digest and length. (streams2)
Gulp plugin allow modify file in .pipe
A JavaScript extension package for building strong and modern applications.
- wrap
- mixin
- try
- defer
- throttle
- debounce
- queue
- channel
- worker
- parallel
- parallelism
- multithreading
- goroutine
- asyncIterator
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Stream and pipe utilities for Node
Function sequencing reloaded
- pipe
- function
- sequencing
- configuration
- currying
- chaining
- aspect oriented programming
- partial application
- partial
Converts markdown text to HTML. A readable stream plus utilities and web demo.
A really simple, lightweight Angular pipe for converting a date string into a time ago