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remark-lint rule to warn when table pipes are not aligned
Pipe functions in a Unix-like style. It supports Promises (async) anywhere in the pipeline and every step will be executed sequentially. The return (resolve in case of Promises) of each function will be passed in as an argument to the next one
Pipe an Array through Node.js streams
Gather a stream, callback with buffer (or error) when done
Functional composition helpers
StreamQueue pipe the queued streams one by one in order to preserve their content order.
Create a duplex stream from a readable and a writable stream.
Utility to "pipe" async iterables together
Writeable stream for uploading content of unknown size to S3 via the multipart API.
Papa Parse wrapper for Angular. Fast parser-library for CSV to JSON and vice versa, with built in support for background-workers.
Node.js interface to the system installed zstd.
Angular 2/4/5 filter to make custom search
The gulp plugin `gulp-order` allows you to reorder a stream of files using the same syntax as of `gulp.src`.
Pipe streams and handle events
Stream of msgpack protocol
Angular order pipe, order collection by a field
🧪 Pipe —
A filesize.js pipe for Angular
A pipe function to perform function composition in LTR (Left To Right) direction.
Functional composition library
- arrows
- functional
- fp
- composition
- compose
- pipe
- rail
- tap
- railway oriented programming
- curry
- currying
- function
- functions
- types
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