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Library includes all simple data about all country - name, image flag, phone code, iso2, iso3
- iso
- country
- phone
- code
- flags
- phone code
- country iso
- iso code
- country phone
- country code
- country flags
- alpha-2
- alpha-3
Country Code List and Phone Formatter
An Angular Material package for entering and validating international telephone numbers. It adds a flag dropdown to any input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder and provides formatting/validation methods.
- angular
- material
- ng15
- ng16
- ngx-mat-intl-tel-input
- intl-tel-input
- ng-intl-tel-input
- phone number
- phone
- validation
- international
- i18n
- country
- dial
- View more
Core abilities of masked-input. Usefully to create custom input processors
- masked-input
- core-input
- input
- number-input
- react-masked-input
- svelte-mask-input
- input-mask
- credit-card
- phone
- phone-input
React mask input component. Allow to input formatted values with fixed length or apply custom formatting function, to format values with any length
- react
- mask
- masked
- mask-input
- input
- react-mask-input
- formatted-input
- credit-card
- credit
- phone
- date-format
- date
- react-component
Helper utilities for parsing and validate phone numbers
This directive integrates `cleave.js` into Angular Form.
React hooks and utility functions for parsing and validating phone numbers.
informs about a device's form factor and pointing accuracy
Input for phone numbers with the ability to choose the code of the country from a list ()[Dsupports searching)
International phone field for Vuetify 3 and Vue 3.
A small, modern, and functional phone library for javascript
- format
- phone number
- functional
- phone libary
- phone
- phone-fns
- telephone
- tel
- functional library
- formatting
- modern
Advanced, highly customizable phone input component for Ant Design.
A Quasar tool for generating all your Quasar App's icons and splashscreens
Get format of phone number with number and country code.
Official TeleSign SDK for Rest APIs including Messaging (SMS), Score, PhoneID, Voice, and AppVerify
is a tiny JS library for one time passcode (OTP). Supports smart input suggestion on iOS and code autofill on Android (it will be filled when you press the copy button on the SMS notification bar)
- react-native
- otp
- otc
- one time password
- one time pin
- one time pincode
- one time code
- sms
- verifcation code
- phone
- verification
Phone masks, ISO codes and flags for all countries
With a given country and phone number, validate and format the phone number to E.164 standard
A parser for phone numbers.