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A tiny client module for the openAI API
Have timeline, control stuff
Returns a promise for an open port on localhost
Open and close multiple nanoresources as one
A collection of rules as well as a resolver for placing objects on a virtual timeline.
Node.js/JavaScript library to generate VTT open subtitles files
- vtt
- creator
- subtitle
- subtitles
- track
- video
- web
- open
- webvtt
- html5
- Web Video Text Tracks Format
- Web Video Text Tracks
Have timeline, control stuff
Sofie TV Automation Vizrt Media Sequencer Engine connection library
Fancy React hook for open links in windows
Implements the font-variant-* properties for browsers that don't yet support them.
Generate React Query hooks, SWR hooks, Axios requests and Typescript types from OpenAPI files
- codegen
- react-query
- tanstack
- swr
- stale-while-revalidate
- react
- query
- axios
- openapi
- swagger
- open
- api
- code
- generation
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Library for connecting to Core
Typescript Node.js library for connecting with a BlackmagicDesign's HyperDeck devices.
Get metadata about the active window and open windows (title, id, bounds, owner, URL, etc)
Typescript Node.js library for comparing ATEM states
An example shelljs-plugin to open a file with its default application
Helper functions for the MOS-connection library
Reads the entire contents of a file.
Open Graph parser for browser
Cross platform Node.js Utility to open urls in browser