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Simple wrapper for Airly API, works in Node.js & the browser.
A simple, tiny wrapper around some useful NodeJS crypto functions.
Wrapper for error handling without try-catch
Request wrapper core for consuming third party services
A Node.JS module, provides an object oriented wrapper util for the NPM API. It allow to automatically install modules for Node.js
A wrapper for 'npm audit' which can be used in CI.
A Node.js wrapper for the CoinGecko API with no dependencies with generated inline d.ts typings and pro account support.
- coingecko
- cryptocurrency
- api
- api-wrapper
- dependency-less
- no-dependencies
- nodejs
- npm
- javascript
- api-client
- pro-account
NodeJS wrapper for the Edlink API.
Lightweight wrapper for accessing npm programmatically (alternative to adding `npm` as a dependency)
A Node.js wrapper for APIv2
NestJS wrapper for OneSignal official package: @onesignal/node-onesignal
A teensy wrapper around Verdaccio to serve NPM tarballs for testing
A wrapper function for the Airtable API
A typescript and react wrapper for vis-network.
gq is a cli wrapper base on reqiure('google')
Indexed DB wrapper with promises
A lightweight Promise-based wrapper and helper for felixge's node-mysql.
AWS Wrapper to ease the use of aws npm module
A wrapper class for logging aws lambda events
Wrapper class for the HTML5 Gamepad API.