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React search autocomplete is a react package having more search feature and easily customizable.
React-based domain search widget used for designing and building custom GoDaddy reseller storefronts
functional search
Search multiple keywords
Search a string in an array of objects or strings.
A comprehensive URL manipulation library, offering easy subdomain, path, host adjustments, and search parameters merging.
- Uniform Resource Identifier
- Parsing
- Resolution
- JavaScript
- Library
- Package
- npm
- yarn
- ES modules
- Module
- Lightweight
- Efficient
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Devveil is an npm package for developers that simplifies component search and debugging in Vue, React, Svelte, HTML, and Angular projects.
- npm
- package
- developer
- tool
- debugging
- component
- search
- Vue
- React
- Svelte
- Angular
- Visual Studio Code
- VSCode
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Process execution for humans
API for making google search requests with captcha support
React multiselect dropdown component with search and various features
- npm
- react
- dropdown
- multiselect
- multilist
- list
- select
- component
- autocomplete
- multiselect-react-dropdown
- react-multiselect-dropdown
- multiselect react dropdown
- react multiselect dropdown
Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries
Is this specifier a node.js core module?
Analyzes license information for multiple node.js modules (package.json files) as part of your software project.
Give me a string and I'll tell you if it's a valid npm package license string
Get a list of npm packages with keywords
filesystem utilities for the npm cli
typeahead search for npm packages.
Get the npm global path prefix.