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Renderer for @novely/core powered by SolidJS
製作 node-novel 風格的 ePub 電子書 / create epub from node-novel style
Novely - powerful visual novel engine for creating interactive stories and games with branching narratives and rich multimedia content
A complete system introducing the concepts of location, time and event, producing the framework of a not-quite-point-and-click adventure game.
Markdown configuration parse => data / stringify => Markdown
globby with sort id/chinese/fullwidth number for node-novel
- alphanum
- alphanumeric
- chinese
- cmp
- compare
- comparison
- fullwidth
- glob
- globby
- jp
- natcmp
- natsort
- natural
- node-novel
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textlint rule to follow general style of Japanese novels
Easily create epub files with javascript
- archive
- book
- chapter
- comic
- creator
- ebook
- epub
- epub-maker
- epub-maker2
- generator
- maker
- manifest
- metadata
- mobile
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Pixi'VN can be integrated with JSON files to create a visual novel.
novel downloader for node-novel style , include site ( dmzj / wenku8 / syosetu / ...etc )
Track the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
- corona-cli
- coronavirus
- corona
- coronavirus-tracking
- coronavirus-real-time
- coronavirus-analysis
- coronavirus-info
- covid-19
- covid19
- cdc
- novel
- virus
- Ahmad Awais
- ahmadawais
百度貼吧 關鍵字 和諧/反和諧 unescape / escape tieba harmony keywords
The text of Moby Dick by Herman Melville.
打包合併個別 txt 章節/目錄 => 單一整合 txt 小說合集
Command line reading fiction.
novel-downloader 的 CLI 版本
node-novel core module
- chinese
- expression
- format
- keywords
- match
- node-novel
- node-text
- novel
- parse
- re
- regex
- regexp
- regular
- regular expression
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RenJS is a videogame library for making Visual Novels that run directly in the web browser
epub-extract for node-novel style
- Google Play Books
- archive
- async
- book
- books
- chapter
- cli
- comic
- creator
- ebook
- epub
- epub-maker
- epub-maker2
- epub2
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node-novel core module
- chinese
- expression
- format
- keywords
- layout
- match
- node-novel
- node-text
- novel
- parse
- re
- regex
- regexp
- regular
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