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Watch tool for docker-compose projects; restart all containers on file changes.
Promise based child process manager for development
Blogger auth to make {POST} requests
Reload your babel-node app on JS source file changes. And do it *fast*.
Production process manager for Node.JS applications with a built-in load balancer.
- cli
- fault tolerant
- sysadmin
- tools
- pm2
- logs
- log
- json
- express
- hapi
- kraken
- reload
- microservice
- programmatic
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Nodemon-powered Typescript Express boilerplate
Quick and Easy Generate Project Starter
- typescript
- express
- prisma
- routing-controllers
- node-postgres
- logger
- swagger
- jest
- nodemon
- pm2
- eslint
- prettier
- docker
- docker-compose
Node.js Boilerplate, revisited
- boilerplate
- utility
- nodejs
- express
- amqplib
- axios
- bcryptjs
- dotenv
- form-data
- html-entities
- html-to-text
- jsonwebtoken
- lodash
- moment
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An esbuild plugin to run a script after building a package.
Node API with typescript
**Modulik** allows to restart a module independently of the rest of your application. In other words it gives the Hot Module Replacement (HMR) functionality for the node.js environment.
This setup compiles Typescript to ESM for the Node.js runtime. It's super-fast. it uses *`swc`* for the actual compiling. *`tsc`* is used for type checking only. nodemon allows us to re-compile and run from dist with every change during developme
Express Boilerplate Starter is a boilerplate project designed to help you quickly set up a new Express.js project with TypeScript. It includes pre-configured settings and dependencies for a seamless development experience.
interactive node modules hotloader
This setup compiles Typescript to ESM for the Node.js runtime. It's super-fast. it uses *`swc`* for the actual compiling. *`tsc`* is used for type checking only. nodemon allows us to re-compile and run from dist with every change during developme
A tool that helps manage envoirment variables
This setup compiles Typescript to ESM for the Node.js runtime. It's super-fast. it uses *`swc`* for the actual compiling. *`tsc`* is used for type checking only. nodemon allows us to re-compile and run from dist with every change during developme
Automatically starts your development servers so that you can be more productive. Servers are accessible on local .ka domains.
Create a telegram Bot simply easy way. it will be helpfull to easy setup a telegram server.Lets try and enjoy . ## Create a project
ReactJS, ExpressJS with react-hot-loader, Babel
- react
- reactjs
- react-hot-loader
- react-hot-loader-3
- react-hot-loader3
- express
- expressjs
- express-js
- ejs
- ejs-templates
- babel
- nodemon
- universal-javascript