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A component for Angular 2+ to select categorized items.
angular9 iCheck module
An Angular component for generating QRCodes
- ng
- ngx
- ngx-qrcode
- qrcode
- angular
- angular2
- angular 2
- angular4
- angular 4
- angular5
- angular 5
- angular6
- angular 6
- angular7
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> Get embed code for embedding youtube/vimeo/dailymotion/\* video in websites from URL or ID in Angular 6+. > Currently supports YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. Feel free to make pull request to add others!
A highly customizable Angular bottom sheet component for smooth UI interactions.
Ngx-DataTable2 is an angular library for presenting data in table. This library is easy to integrate in your angular component. This library supports search, pagination features, cell template, sorting, alignment, warping. You can also customize this libr
- ngx datatable
- jQuery datatable
- Angular datatable
- Easy datatable
- ng datatable
- Datagrid
- jquery
- Datatable
- Data Grid
- Angular
- ngx datagrid
- data grid
- angular data table
- Angular Jquery grid
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Simple dropdown for your angular5 applications. Does not depend of jquery. Simply import css in `style.css`. eg: ``` @import "~ngx-slim-dropdown/ngx-slim-dropdown.css"; ``` Please star a project if you liked it, or create an issue if you have proble
<h1 align="center">@rautils/ngx-image-fallback</h1>
- angular
- angular 2
- ng
- ngx
- image
- images
- fallback
- rautils
- utility
- ngx-image-fallback
- ngx-image
- ngx-images
- ngx-images-fallback
- images-fallback
This library was created and maintained by [**Applicature**]( to help create a front-end on any blockchain projects for ourselves, our partners or any blockchain developer. This library supports Angular from version 13 and higher.
Run _npm install --save ngx-frenetiq-dnd_ ## Readme Please refer to the [GibHub]( page
simple package for accessing camera in angular
A beautiful color picker for angular that let you choose from a color palette, using sliders (Hue, Lightness, Alpha sliders) or through text input(hex, rgba, hsla)
ngx-popper is an Angular wrapper for popper.js with fix
Components for map visualization based on Openlayers
This library was generated with [Angular CLI]( version 18.0.0.
Fork of ngx-photo-editor by Ahmed Bilal
- angular 2
- angular 4
- angular 6
- angular 7
- angular 8
- angular 9
- angular 10
- angular 11
- angular 12
- angular 13
- angular 14
- image
- image editor
- photo editor
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Permission and roles based access control for your angular(angular 2,4,5,6,7,8+) applications(AOT, lazy modules compatible)
- angular
- angular2
- angular 2
- angular4
- angular 4
- angular5
- angular 5
- angular 6
- angular6
- angular7
- angular8
- angular 8
- angularx
- angular-x
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This library provide a unique UI of 3 types of dialog; alert, confirm and form.
Responsive Angular 2 / 4 image gallery plugin