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A well designed, fully animated, highly customizable, and easy-to-use notification library for your Angular application.
An Angular wrap around Materialize library
Angular UI library
Angular ng-formworks - JSON Schema Form builder cssframework
- Angular
- ng
- Angular15
- Angular 15
- Angular16
- Angular 16
- Angular17
- Angular 17
- Angular 18
- ng15
- ng16
- ng17
- ng18
- JSON Schema
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An Angular component for generating QRCodes
- ng
- ngx
- ngx-qrcode
- qrcode
- angular
- angular2
- angular 2
- angular4
- angular 4
- angular5
- angular 5
- angular6
- angular 6
- angular7
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An Angular treeview component with checkbox
Detects active internet connection, and API server status in Angular application.
This is a library for optimizing performance sensitive events and declarative preventDefault and stopPropagation
- angular
- ng
- preventDefault
- stopPropagation
- event
- filter
- EventManager
- EventManagerPlugin
- performance
- optimize
- optimization
- change
- detection
Feature-rich diagram control to create diagrams like flow charts, organizational charts, mind maps, and BPMN diagrams. Its rich feature set includes built-in shapes, editing, serializing, exporting, printing, overview, data binding, and automatic layouts.
This library is built to provide a solution scanner QR code. This library takes in raw images and will locate, extract and parse any QR code found within.
- ng
- ngx
- barcode
- angular
- angular2
- angular2+
- scanner
- reader
- camera
- video
- canvas
- webcam
- webcam-qrcode
- qrcode
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A simple, responsive slideshow for Angular 4+.
Angular ng-formworks - JSON Schema Form builder core
- Angular
- ng
- Angular15
- Angular 15
- Angular16
- Angular 16
- Angular17
- Angular 17
- Angular 18
- Angular 19
- ng15
- ng16
- ng17
- ng18
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Angular SSR cookie service
- angular
- angular2
- angular4
- angular5
- angular-2
- angular-4
- angular-5
- angular-6
- angular-7
- angular-8
- angular-9
- angular-10
- angular-11
- angular-12
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This is a tiny library for customizing components appearance
- angular
- ng
- template
- polymorph
- component
- function
- content
- context
- ng-template
- TemplateRef
- ngTemplateOutlet
- ngComponentOutlet
<!-- BADGES --> []( [![Coverage Status](
- angular-autofocus-fix
- angular-autofocus
- angular2-autofocus
- angular2-focus
- ng-autofocus
- ng-focus
- ng2-autofocus
- ng5-autofocus
- ng6-autofocus
- ng7-autofocus
- ng8-autofocus
- ng9-autofocus
- autofocus
- focus
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Guided tour for your Angular applications.
Inclusive Angular API for DOMPurify
Native Angular Bootstrap Components
Use Vue Components in Angular 1.x
AngularJS configuration generator for a module of constants