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1379 packages found
QCObjects is an Open-source framework that empowers full-stack developers to make micro-services and micro-frontends into an N-Tier architecture.
- qcobjects
- cobjects
- learn javascript
- javascript
- learn to code
- qco
- server
- view
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A completed implementation of Micro Frontends
Transform any plain HTML page into an enterprise-grade static commerce website, with almost no coding required.
Create IL project
- micro-frontend
- micro frontend
- microfrontend
- microfront
- webpack5
- module-federation
- single-spa
- wsrun
- storybook
- react
- vue3
- next
- nuxt
- remix
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[![npm](]( [![Sonar Quality Gate](
- module
- federation
- mf
- angular
- assets
- global
- translations
- styles
- dynamic
- module-federation
- esbuild
- native
- microfrontend
- micro-frontend
A simple Vite plugin for efficiently running MicroFrontend applications using qiankun
- qiankun
- micro frontend
- microfrontend
- micro frontends
- microfrontends
- micro-frontend
- micro-frontends
- microservice
- typescript
- vite
- vite-plugin
- vite-plugin-qiankun
- vite-plugin-qiankun-lite
A npm package that helps load micro-frontends dynamically within a host/container app at runtime
Type-safe event bus for browser
- event
- bus
- emitter
- listener
- browser
- typescript
- io-ts
- microfrontend
- microfrontends
- micro-frontend
- micro-frontends
A lightweight, efficient and powerful micro front-end framework
js sandbox on browser
SDK JavaScript
- framework
- nube
- componentes
- micro
- frontend
- micro-frontend
- mini-frontend
- atomic-frontend
- Server-side rendering
- SSGs
- Static Site Generators
<div align="center"> <img src="" alt="lingjie logo" style="display:block; margin:0 auto;"> </div>
- micro frontend
- micro frontends
- microfrontend
- microfrontends
- micro-frontend
- micro-frontends
- iframe
- webview
A simple CLI tool to merge multiple react projects into one
Allow Dynamic Imports of Remotely Exposed Modules Using Webpack Module Federation
SCION Microfrontend Platform enables you to successfully implement a framework-agnostic microfrontend architecture using iframes. It provides you fundamental APIs for microfrontends to communicate with each other across origins and facilitates embedding m
- scion
- microfrontend
- micro-frontend
- micro frontend
- microfrontend platform
- messaging
- communication
- routing
- cross-origin
- embedding
- iframe
- web component
- webcomponent
- web-component
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MicroLocalStore is a lightweight, easy-to-use JavaScript library that provides a shared local storage solution across different origins. It creates an isolated local storage for each instance, allowing you to store and retrieve data seamlessly. It's perfe
- micro-frontend
- local-storage
- state-management
- cross-origin
- communication
- iframe
- shared-state
- javascript
- browser-storage
- micro-apps
- state-sharing
- inter-window-communication
- postMessage
- event-listeners
This is a simple utility package
Cross-Application/Cross-Framework State Management And Sharing based on zustand for React/Vue