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269 packages found
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An simple, relational SDK for querying TypeScript and JavaScript data structures
linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript
JavaScript data transformation and analysis toolkit inspired by Pandas and LINQ.
- data-wrangling
- data-forge
- data
- data-analysis
- linq
- pandas
- Python
- visualization
- data-visualization
- data-management
- data-manipulation
- csv
- json
- data-munging
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Type-safe SQL query builder like QueryDSL or JOOQ in Java or Linq in .Net for TypeScript with MariaDB, MySql, Oracle, PostgreSql, Sqlite and SqlServer support.
- jooq
- querydsl
- typescript
- mariadb
- mysql
- oracle
- sqlite
- sqlserver
- sql-server
- sql server
- postgre sql
- postgresql
- typesql
- type-sql
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LinQ + TypeScript
LINQ-like functions extended to native Array
Breeze data management for JavaScript clients
- breeze
- breezejs
- spa
- data binding
- change tracking
- query
- linq
- cache
- graph
- graphql
- angular
- angularjs
- react
- vue
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Utility to analyze function (js) and arrow functions (ts), and create metadata of expressions, the initial scope is that it seeks to solve simple expressions. And later advance to encompass complex expressions.
LINQ ported to TypeScript
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
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NowCanDo Javascript Core [nowjs-core] is a library written by TypeScript code maintains under Apache 2.0 licence
- nowjs
- nowjscore
- nowjs-core
- nowcando
- Saeed Tabrizi
- Typescript
- light weight
- library
- line of business
- linq
- validation
- calculation
- math
utilities for JS and TypeScript
- utilities
- typescript
- collection
- enumerable
- linq
- enumerator
- ienumerable
- list
- array
- comparer
- exception
- logging
- format
Provides LINQ-like fluent api operations for iterables and async iterables (ES2018+).
- iterable
- asyncIterable
- linq
- map
- filter
- fluent
- stream
- streams
- readable
- merge
- combine
- iterator
- asyncIterator
- iteration
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A set of LINQ-like extensions to Q for working with arrays of promises.
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
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Complete implementation of Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) (ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification)
- linq
- deferred
- query
- Enumerable
- Iterable
- IEnumerable
- IEnumerator
- Enumerator
- System.Linq
- generators
- Symbol
- symbol.iterator
- iterator
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Complete implementation of Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) (ECMAScript 5.1 Language Specification)
- linq
- deferred
- query
- Enumerable
- Iterable
- IEnumerable
- IEnumerator
- Enumerator
- System.Linq
- generators
- Symbol
- symbol.iterator
- iterator
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inform an iterator when it is prematurely terminated by the consumer.
TypeScript library provides strongly-typed, queryable collections.
- generic
- strongly-typed
- queryable
- collections
- list
- dictionary
- sorted dictionary
- queue
- randomized queue
- stack
- library
- linq
- typescript
support linq for typeorm by acorn