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67 packages found
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Easily create CSV data from json collection
Helper library for create CSV file in Angular 2+
- ngx
- angular7
- angular-7
- angular6
- angular-6
- angular5
- angular-5
- angular4
- angular-4
- angular2
- angular-2
- export-to-csv
- export-to-excel
- csv
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Easily create CSV data from json collection
Helper library for create CSV file in Angular
Utility to work with Docker version of LibreOffice in Lambda
Helper library for create CSV file in Angular 7
This client library is a wrapper for the REST API. See full REST api documentation at Api2Pdf is a powerful API that supports HTML to PDF, URL to PDF, HTML to Image, URL to Image, Thumbnail / image pre
- pdf-generation
- html-to-pdf
- url-to-pdf
- merge-pdfs
- libreoffice
- wkhtmltopdf
- headless-chrome
- docx-to-pdf
- ppt-to-pdf
- html-to-docx
- html-to-xlsx
- pdf-to-html
- docx-image-preview
> Helper library for create CSV file in Angular 6
- angular2
- angular4
- angular5
- angular6
- angular-2
- angular-4
- angular-5
- angular-6
- export-to-csv
- export-to-excel
- csv
- excel
- libreoffice
- openoffice
Helper library for create CSV file in Angular 5
Converts office documents (buffer) like .doc .docx .ppt .pptx to pdf
Easily create CSV data from json collection
- ts-export-to-csv
- export-to-csv
- export-to-excel
- csv
- excel
- libreoffice
- openoffice
- angular2
- typescript
- react
- ngx
- angular4
- angular5
- angular8
Helper library for create CSV file export
Lightweight NodeJS wrapper for unoconv, a Universal Office Converter.
Export PowerPoint to PDF and/or PNG
NodeJS office converter using LibreOffice or OpenOffice.
Converts office documents (buffer) like .doc .docx .ppt .pptx to pdf
The package export ppt, pptx, odp and key files to pdf and/or img(png, jpg, jpeg and etc...).
- libreoffice file convert to pdf or/and image
- ppt to pdf
- pptx to pdf
- keynote to pdf
- odp to image
- ppt to image
- pptx to image
- keynote to image
- pdf to image
- imagemagick
- ghostscript
- libreoffice
Helper library for create TXT file in Angular 2
convert office files to html
NodeJS Unoserver Wrapper to convert between different document formats