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Easing functions for CSS, provided as CSS Custom Properties, JavaScript modules, JSON object and Less and Sass variables.
- animation
- animation-timing-function
- css
- easings
- less
- sass
- scss
- timing-function
- transition
- transition-timing-function
write custom Less functions in Less itself
A mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions.
a set of useful functions for less
Specify properties for which a variable, function, keyword or value must be used
CSS processor resources loader for webpack
Human perceived color functions base on LAB/LCH color spaces
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Lax `url.parse()` with support for protocol-less URLs & IPs
Strip line and/or block comments from a string. Blazing fast, and works with JavaScript, Sass, CSS, Less.js, and a number of other languages.
- ada comments
- apl comments
- applescript comments
- block comment
- block
- block-comment
- c comments
- code comment
- comment
- comments
- csharp comments
- css comments
- css
- hashbang comments
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Leaner CSS
- compile less
- css nesting
- css variable
- css
- gradients css
- gradients css3
- less compiler
- less css
- less mixins
- less
- less.js
- lesscss
- mixins
- nested css
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A Less loader for webpack. Compiles Less to CSS.
A CSS property value parser for use with PostCSS
Intercepts a function call and stores the result with the given context. In calls that have the same parameters, it will return the stored result. The proposal is to reduce the response time for processing heavy functions, but it always has the same resul
PostCSS syntax for parsing HTML (and HTML-like)
Colors of Google's Material Design made available to coders
Unleash the detectives
LESS parser for PostCSS
Find the dependencies of a less file
Get the dependency tree of a module