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67 packages found
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Easily create game leaderboards
Cordova wrapper fo Google Play Game Services
origamicore leaderboard
GitHub Leaderboard for the projects and contributors
This package is a simple and easy to create leaderboard. If you're using Discord.js, you can use this package to create a leaderboard like Top 10 of the server.
A complete framework to facilitate the creation of leaderboards using discord.js
Azure Mobile Services Leaderboard Recipe
This will help to to make a leaderboard
origamicore leaderboard
A high-performance game leaderboard with redis + redis-server standalone + http api server used with nginx proxy + slack notifications
SDK to interact with leaderboards smart contract
Interact with the dreamlo leaderboard API using Javascript.
Node module for integrating with LDRLY API (
Simple leaderboard
Leaderboards for the ranking of non-unique usernames.
Redis backed leaderboard
Leaderboards backed by Redis in Node.js, basic on promise
a neater leaderboard
Cordova plugin for Google Play Games Leaderboard service for android.
This is a library for the Binance Leaderboard API