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File hadnling module of Rheas framework
Package to use Iblog in Base Quasar 1.0.0
Autenticates user through axios requests in Laravel
VAMTIGER Laravel project
Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API
Rheas request validators and other core functionalities
Yet another npm package, which allows you to add translation capabilities to your inertia + vue3 components, while integrating with a Laravel backend. It pairs best with the composer package: antonioprimera/laravel-js-localization
A simple and elegant way to build urls for your REST API
Laravel is a awesome framework artisan in software industry. Laracom provides you to get a list of commonly used commands for artisans. Every time after changing codes it needs to save and record. For interacting with console laravel artisan commands are
Generate Laravel Migrations from StarUML UML Class Diagrams.
Tiny form helper for Vue.js
A simple Vue component to flash session messages in a Laravel app.
Install Docker-php using npx, to create different versions of PHP using Docker.
Light weight node.js validation library
- validation
- validator
- data validation
- input validation
- input validator
- form validation
- form validator
- node validator
- laravel
- validator for js
- validator for node.js
- express
- aws lambda
- azure functions
ES6 laravel form and errors objects, using axios for ajax
Autoprefixer plugin for gulp-laravel
va-attachment is a javascript and css package to help va/attachment package that is laravel package
Casteaching api service
Serverless Laravel Template Builder
Custom CKEditor 5 classic build with support for uploading images to a Laravel endpoint.