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Render templates using any engine. Supports, layouts, pages, partials and custom template types. Use template helpers, middleware, routes, loaders, and lots more. Powers assemble, verb and other node.js apps.
- atpl
- coffee
- compile
- consolidate
- dot
- dust
- dustjs
- dustjs-helpers
- dustjs-linkedin
- eco
- ect
- ejs
- engine
- engines
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Jade support for JSTransformers.
Converts HTML to Pug
A Pug plugin allowing unquoted use of Angular 2's `[(bananabox)]="val"` syntax
An unopinionated and configurable linter and style checker for Pug (formerly Jade)
- puglint
- jadelint
- pug-lint
- jade-lint
- pug
- jade
- lint
- code style
- formatter
- style guide
- validate
- lint pug
- lint jade
- pug lint
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browserify v2 plugin for pug with sourcemaps support
A lightning-fast, modular, next generation browser development tool.
- framework
- boilerplate
- toolkit
- compiler
- coffeescript
- livescript
- typescript
- sass
- less
- stylus
- dust
- handlebars
- ember
- emblem
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Walk and transform a Pug AST, extracting text nodes from e.g. script and style tags
Angular Pug Builders
Gulp plugin to lint Pug (nee Jade) files
Simple Pug(Jade) Beautify
Modern Template Consolidation Engine for EJS, Markdown, Pug, Nunjucks, Liquid, and Handlebars
- templates
- generator
- framework
- html
- handlebars
- hbs
- markdown
- hjs
- ejs
- consolidate
- consolidatejs
- pug
- jade
- nunjucks
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Stylish reporter for pug-lint
Static Web Server/Generator/Bundler
create HTML from jade-like expressions
Command line tool to lint Pug templates in Vue single file components.
Grunt plugin for pug-lint
An AMD loader for Vue components 🤘🏽. Pug 🐶 supported.
electron-prebuilt that automatically understands Babel + React + LESS
Transforms Pug (aka Jade) templates to ES6 modules.