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Enable support for case insensitive attribute matching in selectors
Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing
retext plugin to warn about possible insensitive, inconsiderate language
- english
- equal
- gender
- identity
- insensitive
- language
- neutral
- orientation
- plugin
- race
- religion
- retext
- retext-plugin
- sensitive
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Powerful string matching insensitive to diacritics, special characters, symbols and case
String.prototype.includes() but using localeCompare.
- localeincludes
- locale
- includes
- contains
- string
- localecompare
- search
- filter
- match
- diacritics
- accents
- case
- insensitive
- i18n
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match-string is a javascript function who return a regexp for match a string with all of his accents possible
Case-insensitive object search
Assert that JS and TS modules support case-insensitive file systems
Check the file name of the file system is case-sensitive or not.
Convenient case insensitive string replace.
Case insensitive property access
Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing
- cli-app
- cli
- bin
- ghedev
- equal
- race
- religion
- sex
- orientation
- identity
- gender
- sensitive
- insensitive
- neutral
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alex wrapper to easily integrate with Visual Studio Code
- alex
- language
- sensitive
- insensitive
- sensitivity
- identity
- gender
- sex
- equal
- equality
- race
- religion
- orientation
- consideration
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Critique Common Forms for insensitive language
This will serve given the given content as case insensitive for use on linux with windows file-system files and programs calling them. (RPG Maker www folder)
Enables the creation of a JavaScript object whose keys are case insensitive.
Allows an `insensitive` query parameter.
String.prototype.includes() but using localeCompare.
- localeincludes
- locale
- includes
- contains
- string
- localecompare
- search
- filter
- match
- diacritics
- accents
- case
- insensitive
- i18n
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Linter plugin using alex to catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing
- markdown
- text
- alex
- equal
- race
- religion
- sex
- orientation
- identity
- gender
- sensitive
- insensitive
- neutral
- writing
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