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React component used to build inline-editable components
Inlines img, script and link tags into the same file.
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React Inline Edit Kit
Universal styling for reusable React components
Create DataURI scheme easily
browserify compatible version of the ace editor.
React component for Feather icons
Get the content of style tags.
Inline css into an html file.
Returns Media Query text for a CSS source.
A babel plugin that optimizes and inlines SVGs for your react components.
A lite module for reverse-operations on buffers
Get content from link tags in an HTML document.
Returns a parse tree for a CSS source.
Inject css at the top of chunk file in lib mode using `import` statement, support multiple entries.
SVG sprites & stacks galore — A low-level Node.js module that takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types along with suitable stylesheet resources (e.g. CSS, Sass, LESS, Stylus, etc.)
Enforce usage of logical properties and values in CSS
- stylelint
- stylelint-plugin
- css
- logical
- properties
- property
- flow
- relative
- values
- value
- ltr
- rtl
- directional
- dir
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An inline editing library