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- every
- browser
- compile less
- patch
- regular expressions
- setter
- String.prototype.trim
- defineProperty
- compare
- __proto__
- typed array
- RegExp.prototype.flags
- validation
- typed
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The asynciest of async libs there ever was or ever will be...AsyncAF!?
- AsyncAF
- async-af
- async
- await
- async/await
- Promise
- Promises
- library
- array
- method
- methods
- parallel
- series
- serial
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Exposing a richer set of Array features for JavaScript
A collection of common string functions.
- extra
- string
- at
- infix
- isInfix
- isPrefix
- isSuffix
- left
- prefix
- right
- size
- suffix
- CompareFunction
- MapFunction
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Curried predicate which checks that a value exists in an array. Generally faster than `indexOf` across JS engines.
- array
- auto-curried
- contain
- contains
- curried
- in-array
- in_array
- inarray
- include
- includes
- partial-application
- point-free
- pointfree
Polyfill for array.prototype.includes according to the ECMAScript 2019 specification.
Array subclasses that remain continuously sorted on insert() or push() calls, featuring optimized includes() and indexOf()

- ECMAScript 2020
- bootstrap less
- break
- computed-types
- clone
- stringify
- korean
- redux-toolkit
- less.js
- error-handling
- settings
- find-up
- scheme
- some
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Pre is a dynamic presentation language that compiles to HTML. Pre does for HTML what LESS and SASS do for CSS. If you know HTML and CSS you will know how to work with Pre.
A sorted array is a collection of values, arranged in an order.
Polyfill for String.prototype.includes
A collection of common string functions {web}.
- extra
- string
- at
- infix
- isInfix
- isPrefix
- isSuffix
- left
- prefix
- right
- size
- suffix
- CompareFunction
- MapFunction
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Disallow using the some methods in your configuration
standalone AsyncAF package: findIndexAF (
- AsyncAF
- async-af
- async
- await
- async/await
- Promise
- Promises
- library
- array
- method
- methods
- parallel
- series
- serial
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standalone AsyncAF package: lastIndexOfAF (
- AsyncAF
- async-af
- async
- await
- async/await
- Promise
- Promises
- library
- array
- method
- methods
- parallel
- series
- serial
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standalone AsyncAF package: indexOfAF (
- AsyncAF
- async-af
- async
- await
- async/await
- Promise
- Promises
- library
- array
- method
- methods
- parallel
- series
- serial
- View more
standalone AsyncAF package: forEachAF (
- AsyncAF
- async-af
- async
- await
- async/await
- Promise
- Promises
- library
- array
- method
- methods
- parallel
- series
- serial
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A sorted array is a collection of values, arranged in an order {web}.
A chai plugin that adds recursive deep equality assertions
helper tools for javascript validation
- Full code documentation
- code coverage
- jest tests
- validation
- data validation
- data type checker
- lodash alternative
- utilities
- utils
- library helpers
- tools
- isEmpty
- isArray
- arraySize
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